「film」「movie」「cinema」等词之间的区别是什么? - 知乎
Film是个正儿八经的日耳曼词,法语的film是从英语借的。 Film的源头是原始印欧语的*pel-“皮毛、兽皮”。 古英语也有这个词,不过那个时候写作filmen,意思是“膜、薄皮、包皮”,源自原始日耳曼语*fello(m)“兽皮”。
请问网站可以下载高清电影海报和剧照? - 知乎
可以下载电影海报和剧照的网站有五个,分别是豆瓣电影、 IMP Awards、TMDb、FilmGrab。
python - How can one interpret a heat map plot - Cross Validated
Feb 15, 2019 · A heat map is a two-dimensional representation of data in which values are represented by colors. Correlation Heat map is a two dimensional plot of the amount of correlation (measure of dependence) between variables represented by colors.
hypothesis testing - Is it wrong to refer to results as "nearly" or ...
Sep 17, 2015 · $\begingroup$ Indeed the first two are of true cinematographic spirit, the first from the film "Statistical Gigolo" (who else would flirt with a conventional level?), while the second from the film "Dying on the Tail", where we see the menacing vulture (p-value) hovering over the dying hero (statistical significance). $\endgroup$
probability - Find expected value using CDF - Cross Validated
Film about a woman who is murdered and rebuilt as a cyborg Is the $200 million PM Justin Trudeau promised for a new intelligence directive on top of the $1.3 billion allocated for the border plan? There Is No Puzzle
Normalizations: dividing by mean - Cross Validated
Feb 17, 2015 · The difference between subtracting the mean and dividing by the mean is the difference between subtraction and division; presumably you are not really asking about the mathematics.
Low R-squared for binary logistic regression model but all …
Jan 8, 2024 · I am currently testing a binary logistic regression model (N=2000), examining the relationship between several independent variables (such as substance use -categorial-, gender-categorial-, self-co...
anova - How report planned contrast test results - Cross Validated
Feb 25, 2022 · I was reading through Andy Field's Discovering Statistics with SPSS. Following ANOVA, he ran several planned contrasts. When he described how to report the planned contrast results, he wrote this: “
What is the estimated variance of residuals? From R
Film about a woman who is murdered and rebuilt as a cyborg Can the Judgement Tarot Card create a Legendary Joker? How would you "stun" a spaceship (i.e. incapacitate it nonlethally)?
standard deviation - Should I use the use the confidence-t or ...
For continuous measurements, such as force in Newtons, where you do not know the population variance (as opposed to sample variance, which is what you have to work with – implying STDEV.S), the confidence interval of the mean based on the t distribution is what you are after.