Boxing Day, marks the 20th year since one of the world's most significant natural disasters, the Sumatra earthquake.
On Boxing Day 2004, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean near Indonesia set off a tsunami which killed almost 250,000 people. It ...
Tsunami and earthquake data still isn’t shared widely around the world. Local authorities and experts often don’t communicate ...
"The tsunami was the catalyst for me finding my purpose, that second chance I got," she said. The 53-year-old has now written ...
Luke Simon lost his brother, Piers, in the tsunami disaster in Thailand and has since spoken out on the anniversary of the ...
Luke Simon, who survived the devastated 2004 Boxing Day tsunami which killed his brother, has shared the haunting two words ...
Across south-east Asia, people marked the 20th anniversary on Boxing Day, gathering in prayer at mass-grave sites, in which ...
This Boxing Day marks the 20th anniversary of the catastrophic Indian Ocean tsunami, one of the deadliest natural disasters ...
Sharon Howard has returned to Thailand to mark the 20th anniversary of losing her six-year-old son Taylor, his eight-year-old ...
A regular traveller to Penang, located on the northwest coast, Mr Craven’s ties to the Geelong Racing Club had linked him up ...
The last I saw of that room was the roof dropping down on us before we were washed out through the rear wall of the building' ...
Boxing Day tsunami, forensic investigator Peter Baines wanted to create good from the enormity of loss. Twenty years on, he ...