In a time marked by escalating global crises – from rising poverty to the worsening climate emergency – the United Nations remains steadfast in its resolve to foster peace, advance sustainable develop ...
The imperative for global regulation of the booming artificial intelligence (AI) field is “irrefutable”, a new report from a UN expert group said on Thursday, adding that development and use of such a ...
New York, US (PANA) - As world leaders gather at the UN for the Summit of the Future and the General Asembly High-Level Week, the UN Deputy Secretary-General emphasised the critical role they can play ...
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for accountability following a “despicable” terrorist attack in Mali this week, his Spokesperson said on Thursday ...
A report by UNAIDS has detailed how debt crisis is jeopardising progress aimed at ending AIDS in Sub-Saharan African countries, which account for a significant majority of people living with HIV globa ...
طرابلس-ليبيا(بانا)- اتفق وزير الاقتصاد والتجارة بحكومة الوحدة الوطنية الليبية، محمد الحويج، مع سفير اليابان لدى ليبيا، شيمورا ...
تونس العاصمة-تونس(بانا)-أعلنت وزارة الشؤون الخارجية والهجرة والتونسيين بالخارج عن انعقاد الجولة الثانية من المحادثات الثنائي ...
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - A exportação da amêndoa de karité está suspensa a partir desta quinta-feira em todo território burkinabe até à nova ordem, anunciou o Ministério da Indústria ...
Luanda, Angola (PANA) - Angola reitera a sua aposta na implementação de reformas profundas nos setor económico e social, articuladas no Plano de Desenvolvimento Nacional (PDN) 2023-2027, soube a PANA ...
President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa on Thursday said he has noted South Sudan’s decision to extend the country\'s transitional period by another two years ...
Have you ever owned a favourite pen that you found indispensable? I certainly had, every day I relied on it for everything from jotting down quick notes, to sketching out creative ideas, to writing my ...
نيروبي-كينيا(بانا)- أفاد بيان صادر عن صندوق النقد الدولي أن السلطات الكينية أبدت التزامها بدفع إصلاحات الحوكمة الاقتصادية الت ...