The child mental health crisis has been described as the “defining public health crisis of our time.” This article addresses three myths about the crisis: (i) the idea that the crisis is new; (ii) the ...
We introduce a new methodology to detect and measure economic activity using geospatial data and apply it to steel production, a major industrial pollution source worldwide. Combining plant output ...
Using population-wide Norwegian and Swedish data and quasi-experimental methods, we show that a menopause diagnosis leads to lasting drops in earnings and employment, alongside greater reliance on ...
In addition to working papers, the NBER disseminates affiliates’ latest findings through a range of free periodicals — the ...
Naloxone claims increased the most among consumers facing the lowest out-of-pocket costs, including Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. The researchers conclude that, while the combination of ...
Treasury markets respond to the news in CBO cost estimates of individual bills about the future funding requirements from pending legislation. Treasury yields increase on days with major ...
The prospect for electric vehicles (EVs) as a climate change solution hinges on their widespread adoption across political lines. This paper uses county-level data to show that from 2012-2023, about ...
We investigate the effects of sewer access on neighborhood characteristics in developing world cities. Because it is more difficult to move sewage uphill than downhill, otherwise similar neighborhoods ...
The model has multiple rational expectations equilibria; we associate certain Pareto inferior equilibria with liquidity crises. The government can improve welfare by acting as a “market-maker of last ...
We study the role played by Chinese state–owned firms during the US–China trade war. Based on measures constructed from Chinese firm–level customs microdata, we show that the presence of state–owned ...
Healthcare fraud imposes a sizable cost on U.S. public healthcare budgets and distorts health care provision. We examine the economics of health care fraud and enforcement using theory and data and ...
Using real estate investment trusts (REITs) that invest in commercial real estate (CRE) as a leading example, we study the implications for banks of extending credit lines to “shadow banks” or ...