Scientists aren't sure exactly why the events are increasing, but say it's likely attributed to a variety of factors.
Fifteen Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles, the world’s most endangered sea turtle species, were released on Grand Isle Beach ...
Satish Bhaskar was a curious man. From a very young age he was fascinated with the sea and the diverse marine creatures, ...
Advertisements Advertisements Six Sea Turtles Released Following Treatment at The Coastal Stewards Rehab Center in Boca Raton ...
HERE is a cool fact about sea turtles: the incubation temperature of their eggs determines their offspring's gender.
A stranded loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) discovered on a Danish beach in January has been given a second chance at ...
Experts from the United States, Australia and Aotearoa are taking flight from Whakatāne to learn more about critically ...
The Dominican Fisheries and Aquaculture Council (CODOPESCA) has seized 259 pounds of illegally processed leatherback sea turtle meat at a seafood export company. The endangered species, disguised as ...
International collaboration is essential to these research and conservation efforts because the West Pacific leatherback ...
WesPac Fishery Management Council discussed updates on false killer whale stocks, among other issues relating to Marine ...
Looking for kid-friendly weekend getaways near you? These adventurous Southern destinations are packed with outdoor fun!
The 61-year-old was found on the brink of death recently after being stranded at sea for nearly 100 days. An Ecuadorian ship ...