Kansas wildlife officials are giving locals their two cents this week to help them land some white bass and wipers this ...
Under the right conditions, these traditional bass and muskie baits will catch way more species than you ever imagined.
Looking for new fishing lures? Here are some great options to add to your tackle box as you head onto the open water.
I grow less interested in what technology brings to largemouth bass fishing. I enjoy catching them as I always have – with ...
It's already illegal for fishermen to attract or capture a great white shark, but Bay State officials are proposing new rules ...
Question: I am in the process of restoring a classic car. I have a question regarding windshield wipers. Do I have to install them on my ride? I am concerned they will take away from the aesthetics.
The best rods aren’t just there for bragging rights but can transform every fishing trip into a lucrative money-making venture whether you’re angling for squid, salmon, sharks, or walleye ...
CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) – February was much cooler than average, but will the trend continue through March? February saw 17 days with below average highs, with some days only reaching the low 20s.
But an artificial lure, which doesn’t have to be kept alive or require regular re-rigging, is often a more efficient and effective choice. Unfortunately, all fishing lures aren’t created equal.
This is why pike are a bit of scourge for anglers targeting species like bass and walleye that live in the same waters — one snap of those jaws and an expensive lure is gone. If you’re specifically ...
When fishing the flats on windy days, Cutting rigs the fluke with a circle hook through the lure’s nose and works it with a walk-the-dog action. “Many times, reds hit the lure following a pause,” he ...
LAKE LURE, N.C. (WSPA) – Lake Lure town officials announced that an “unbelievable amount” of silt and debris has been removed from Morse Park since Hurricane Helene. 7NEWS previously ...