Created on behalf of an unnamed customer, the fake Cybertruck reportedly cost 3 million rupees, which equates to $10,800 in US currency. That makes it around $70,000 cheaper than a real entry-level, ...
A car enthusiast from Pakistan wanted a Tesla Cybertruck of his own. A company specializing in custom builds made one for him ...
Tesla Cybertruck demand is falling, as a research note from Morgan Stanley noted on Friday. That will eventually push Tesla ...
Big Sean’s Cybertruck Big Sean has always been about pushing boundaries in the music world, and now he’s doing the same on the road with his Tesla Cybertruck. Just like his tracks, this vehicle ...
The Tesla Cybertruck takes on the luxurious Rolls-Royce Cullinan and the off-roading Mercedes-AMG G 63 SUV over the ...