turtle, climate change and Nesting Season

BHUBANESWAR: A staggering 6.41 lakh Olive Ridley turtles have laid eggs at Rushikulya rookery so far in the current nesting ...
Sea turtles in Cyprus are nesting earlier each year to cope with rising temperatures. Scientists found loggerheads nesting 0.78 days earlier.
COLUMN. Researchers have shown that juveniles just a few weeks old can learn and memorize the magnetic signatures of specific locations. The result is a better understanding of their astonishing ...
As many as 5,55,638 eggs have been laid by the endangered Olive Ridley ... annual operation to ensure the safe mid-sea sojourn of breeding Olive Ridley sea turtles and mass nesting of these ...
The islet of Marathonisi in Laganas Bay, known as "Turtle Island," is included in the Marine Park of Zakynthos ...
When a hatching sea turtle first pokes its head above the sand and scrambles to the sea, a watching child might ask how the turtle knows where to go and how girl turtles know to come back ...
The Coast Guard has launched ‘operation Oliva’ coastal patrolling as part of its annual mission to ensure the safe mid-sea ...