BHUBANESWAR: A staggering 6.41 lakh Olive Ridley turtles have laid eggs at Rushikulya rookery so far in the current nesting ...
Sea turtles in Cyprus are nesting earlier each year to cope with rising temperatures. Scientists found loggerheads nesting 0.78 days earlier.
New research shows that turtles are responding to climate change by nesting earlier. New research shows that turtles are responding to climate change by nesting earlier.
Turtles are proving to be surprisingly adaptable in the face of climate change, shifting their nesting season earlier each ...
An all-time record number of 141 nesting green sea turtles were observed coming ashore to lay eggs on Itu Aba (Taiping Island ...
Amazing video shows a seemingly endless stretch of beach near the Rushikulya River mouth in Odisha, India, and Olive Ridley ...
The research team found that individual turtles were adjusting the timing of nesting based on sea temperature, laying eggs 6.47 days earlier for every 1°C increase in ocean temperature.
CHENNAI: After the mass death of Olive Ridley turtles last month, Chennai beaches have witnessed a wave of change with brisk nesting in the last few weeks, and ...
Florida’s beaches are experiencing a record-breaking surge in sea turtle nests! Conservationists are celebrating as more ...
Scientists say how long the cold-blooded sea creatures will be able to survive in a warming world remains ‘unclear’ ...
The Coast Guard has launched ‘operation Oliva’ coastal patrolling as part of its annual mission to ensure the safe mid-sea ...
In a remarkable natural event, over 700,000 Olive Ridley turtles have descended upon Rushikulya beach in Odisha, India, ...