Use double quotation marks (" ") to enclose phrases or entire sentences that were taken word for word from someone else. Quotation marks are not needed for paraphrasing. Example: The dog he brings on ...
Double quotation marks are used for direct quotations and titles of compositions such as books, plays, movies, songs, lectures and TV shows. They also can be used to indicate irony and introduce an ...
With dialogue, specific punctuation is needed. Most often, commas and periods go within the quotation marks, but there are some forms of punctuation and examples that go outside of the quotation marks ...
The punctuation for integrating academic quotes is a little different than dialogue punctuation. When a quotation ends a sentence and the parenthetical citation is at the end, the period should come ...
A quotation is a phrase taken directly from a text or speech. These punctuation marks should contain the words taken from the text: In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens the character of ...
I was fascinated by the letters on getting proper quotation marks in fancy word processors. Having recently upgraded to a PC from a lowly Amstrad PCW, I looked forward to all the bells and ...
"We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all we’re not savages." "I will live in the past, present and the future." "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea ...
Quotation marks are used to set off a person's words, whether spoken or written. They are placed at both the beginning and end of the quote. Ex: Sue remarked, "I'll meet you at the movies," A comma is ...