If this time of year stresses you out, there could be a few different things going on.
This seemingly innocent message can cause a spiral. Here's why, and what you can send instead. View Entire Post › ...
But when fears that your actions might somehow curse your future consume your thoughts and influence your behaviours, that’s ...
A young woman needed a heart transplant as a teenager after suffering an 'anxiety attack' that left her collapsed on a hospital bathroom floor. Lucy Smith, from Annan in Dumfries and Galloway, was ...
Using cannabidiol (CBD) for anxiety is becoming increasingly popular ... This oil garnered very positive feedback from tester Connor Rice, who said, “I really liked this product!
Support groups and healthcare professionals can significantly help people manage worries and difficult thoughts and get back to their routines. Grief and anxiety often occur after the loss of a ...
All four testers of these gummies gave positive feedback ... a good regimen of other anxiety medication and therapies. Another still experienced some racing thoughts. Meanwhile, two additional ...
You can incorporate positive self-talk by learning to identify negative self-talk and reframing your thoughts. If you believe your self-talk is too negative, or if you want to emphasize positive ...
As well as suffering bouts of anxiety and depression ... Steph was just about to turn 33 and this was a transition she thought was more than 10 years away. 'It was a huge shock.