A 24-year-old Australian man could go to jail for ten years as he prepares to plead guilty for importing plutonium from a US-based science website.
Chemistry professor studying layered materials will attend organization's World Chemistry Congress in Malaysia.
A "science nerd" who wanted to collect all the elements of the periodic table could face jail time after ordering radioactive ...
The pioneering nuclear chemist Glenn Seaborg discovered berkelium at Berkeley Lab in 1949. It was one of many achievements ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
The breakthrough disrupts long-held theories about the chemistry of the elements that follow uranium in the periodic table. A research team led by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley ...
Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes, Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, via La Masa 34, Milano 20156, Italy ...
It’s in this country that scientists, funded by or working for the government, came to understand the role of carbon in our ...
Doubly periodic weaves—entangled structures with repeating patterns in two independent directions—pose a mathematical challenge. Originally conceived to model real-world structures ...