The story of Earth’s atmospheric oxygenation is one of transformation, shaped by both biological and planetary forces. While ...
Ever since its formation around 4.5 billion years ago, Earth's rotation has been gradually slowing down, and its days have ...
Little Friends We've heard of underground parties — but this is ridiculous. A recently released study authored by microbial ...
In hypersaline ponds, bacteria in microbial mats can experience salinities of ... microbial biofilm communities occur near the earth's surface at terrestrial hot springs such as those of ...
Time, water, and geologic forces have converged to create underwater sinkholes where oxygen-poor and sulfur-rich groundwater support prolific microbial mats resembling life on early Earth.
Earth's breathable air owes its existence to the Moon's gravitational pull, which slowed Earth's spin over billions of years, enabling oxygenation vital for life.
Cyanobacteria are single celled microbes that can photosynthesize, and they helped generate Earth's atmosphere to make complex life possible... | Cell And Molecular Biology ...