Kanazawa University, observe the configuration of different dipeptides on graphite electrodes and the subsequent arrangement ...
A small international team of nanotechnologists, engineers and physicists has developed a way to force laser light into ... Researchers have developed a high-speed electro-optic switch that ...
The metal was designed with tiny grains and even smaller clusters of tantalum, which act as obstacles that prevent ...
Photonics and optics technology giant Zeiss has announced the launch of Lightfield 4D, a new microscopy system based on the light ... The new system enables instant volumetric high-speed imaging, ...
Engineers devised a new method for designing metals and alloys that can withstand extreme impacts, which could lead to the development of automobiles, aircraft and armor that can better endure ...
South Bay chase ends after suspect goes over 100 mph, drives wrong way A driver fled recklessly at high speeds and almost ... over fence during end of high-speed chase in Texas Driver who died ...
What is high-speed trading? It’s Wall Street’s winning edge. By harnessing massive computer power to buy and sell stocks in the blink of an eye, high-speed traders leverage tiny changes in ...
D-MP-SIM revolutionizes live-cell fluorescence microscopy, enabling high-speed, high-resolution imaging with reduced motion ...
The OPM system was then improved through the addition of sCMOS cameras and applied to study how calcium wave origins are related to the transverse tubule structure in cardiac myocytes, see: High speed ...