You can use our data to build systems that help people find out about the health and social care options available to them. You can access our data through our API ...
As a result, between 2015/16 and 2021/22 the number of people receiving long-term care declined from 873,000 to 818,000. The loss was largely felt by older people: the number receiving long-term care ...
Local authorities spent similar proportion of money on long-term support for working-age adults (£10.4 billion) and older people (£11.0 billion) in 2023/24, compared with 2022/23. However, the pattern ...
V CARE is one of the well-known service centers you can visit for all your device related damages be it – mobiles, tv, headphones and headsets. We here have updated address, contact number and ...
The number of young people being abused in state care has increased Young people are still not receiving the minimum standards of care required by legislation Social workers aren't always able to ...
This shortage of family physicians is reaching what some call a crisis point, but there are a number of strategies in place across the country as people within the health-care system work to find ...
UVdesk Opensource Community Helpdesk Project built for all to make a Full Ticketing Support System along with many more other features.
We’re working with a range of partners to help people in England live well. The NHS Long Term Plan includes stroke as a clinical priority. We are working with partners to improve patient outcomes and ...
The combination of ongoing pressure on services, the backlog of care and chronic workforce shortages means waiting times have increased to record highs. The total number of patients waiting over 12 ...
Find out how integrated care systems bring health and care organisations together to improve people’s lives, with strong local partnerships being a driving force in making better long-term health ...