Electronic reminders to encourage older adults in Denmark to get vaccinated against flu may have unintentionally lowered ...
Overnight, leading research institutions in the USA have potentially lost billions of dollars in indirect funding, in a move that will likely change the biomedical research landsc ...
A medical researcher may have erroneously lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in grant money because she was swept up in ...
Physicians often engage in electronic health record activities during their paid time off, according to a research letter published in JAMA Network Open.Results from the cohort analysis showed that ...
Federal funding for scientific research at universities like Binghamton ... on local topics up to 500 words and we also accept letters to the editor up to 200 words on various topics.
At least 16 termination letters ... four research can proceed as usual. Although the guidance document focuses on DEI-related activities, it also includes an appendix with examples of other ...
A person who repeatedly pesters or threatens another person can be sent a cease and desist letter as a warning. For example ... We also reference original research from other reputable publishers ...
Legend has it that a strange orb sometimes seen hovering over the railroad tracks in the remote area around Summerville, South Carolina, is a lantern borne by a ghost whose husband lost his head ...
new research indicates. According to a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers looked at data from 3,340 people, ranging in age from 13 to 39 ...
In a sample of 24,263 adults ... and colleagues reported in a JAMA research letter. Average HbA1c levels were also stable from 2013-2014 to 2017-2020, but then significantly worsened from the ...
Every daily one-hour increment in digital screen time is associated with 21% higher odds of myopia, researchers report in JAMA Network Open ... thereafter," the research team led by Young Kook ...
The JAMA study started with the effects of a Texas ... a professor of social research at the Catholic University of America and affiliated scholar at the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute.