Kylo Ren's new comic series Legacy of Vader is going to take the time to remind you that deep down, Anakin Skywalker always ...
Legacy of Vader comic book series will seemingly reveal that, after becoming Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker returned to ...
While the Toydarian Darth Vader is attacking isn’t actually named, given the dialogue “He must have returned here. Taken his ...
Scientists have discovered a new species of 'supergiant' sea bug in Vietnam, named Bathynomus vaderi due to its resemblance ...
Researchers studying crustaceans in Vietnam have identified a new "supergiant" sea bug species that bears a surprising ...
Boba Fett deserved a much better show than The Book of Boba Fett, and Star Wars has several options for a satisfying ...
1️⃣ Inauguration Day: Trump merchandise. A stunning shot of the Capitol. The first lady’s fashion statement. Speaking from ...