Scientists use different methods to calculate size and weight so they don’t always agree, but judging by bones found, a good ...
NASA is about to begin a massive hunt for hidden asteroids, and may uncover city-destroying space rocks we’ve missed.
NASA is tracking a bus-sized asteroid that will be zooming past the Earth today at a speed of nearly 28,028 miles per hour. The space rock, known as "2025 FO6," is estimated to be about 35 feet across ...
Ground telescopes have offered our best asteroid data so far, but spotting dark, tumbling rocks from Earth is like finding ...
The threat from near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 may have subsided, but discoveries of other hazardous space rocks are set to ...
Euclid, a European space telescope, just captured 26 million galaxies to reveal the secrets of the dark universe.
The NEO Surveyor fulfills a 2005 act of Congress ordering NASA to catalog 90% of near-Earth objects larger than 459 feet, ...
A case in point: a European Space Agency satellite, known as ERS-2, launched in 1995 and inactive since 2011, tumbled through ...
NASA is monitoring a large asteroid, 2014 TN17, which will pass Earth at a safe distance of about 3 million miles. The ...
TN17 is estimated to be around 540 feet in diameter, which is greater than the height of the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt (449 ...
As we navigate through unprecedented times, our journalists are working harder than ever ... asteroid 2024 YR4 on a ...