Scientists at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have achieved a significant milestone in laser-plasma accelerator ...
When aviation pioneer Bertrand Piccard a decade ago spearheaded a much-hyped flight around the world in a plane powered by ...
Scientists have developed a method for generating fast, bright proton beams using a high-repetition-rate laser-plasma ...
Perhaps the most significant technical development revealed by the survey is the dramatic increase in interest in remote ...
Lightsails operate by harnessing radiation pressure from a light source, such as the Sun or lasers, to propel a spacecraft.
"The lightsail will travel faster than any previous spacecraft, with potential to eventually open interstellar distances to ...
ALIENS could discover humans on Earth by spotting one of 12 signs, scientists say. Topping the list is a clue that could be ...
Powered by laser light, this tiny sail lays the groundwork for future advances in lightsail technology and the potential for ...
Scientists are developing miniature lightsails that could travel at unprecedented speeds, potentially enabling interstellar ...