BC Ferries says it has nothing to do with a medical incident that left six passengers sickened, including two who had to be ...
The operator of a ferry service between Vancouver Island and Washington state says it's sorry for "unintentionally" raising ...
The general rules governing the use of the national flag in Canada by merchant vessels and pleasure craft include having it ...
VICTORIA — An audit of board appointments at British Columbia’s public-sector organizations shows that provincial oversight fell short when handling conflict-of-interest cases. The audit by ...
Auditors flagged some $241.1 million in Medicaid payments made by the Department of Public Health and Social Services mostly because DPHSS failed to ensure that providers getting paid were ...
BC Ferries is set to implement a system-wide annual fare increase of 3.2 per cent on April 1, as approved by the BC Ferries ...
According to the budget, a bit more than half of B.C.’s international exports go to the U.S. That compares with more than ...
The government of British Columbia filed legislation Thursday that would permit the province to levy tolls on vehicles ...
Sharma, speaking to the Legislative Assembly, said that if enacted, the bill would “allow government to impose a system of tolls, fees or other charges on vehicles using certain BC infrastructure, ...
A 4-2 vote by the Greenville City Council tonight denied an amendment to allow 3,200-square-foot flags to fly in Greenville’s commercial areas. Councilwoman Portia Willis made the motion to deny ...
Spring Break has nearly arrived and throngs of locals will fly, sail, or drive to destinations outside of Metro Vancouver. The annual break officially runs from March 17 to March 28, according to the ...
WHISTLER, B.C. — Emergency Health Services in British Columbia says 10 people were sent to hospital after a multi-vehicle crash that shut down the Sea-to-Sky Highway in both directions for ...