Researchers Baffled To Find World's Oldest Impact Crater, Redefines How Our Planet Was Shaped Land features reflect the ...
The asteroid initially had an approximate 3% chance for impact with Earth, but that recently dropped to less than 0.0017% in new calculations by NASA making it negligible. “It’s really easy to ...
Where do meteorites of different type come from? In a review paper, astronomers trace the impact orbit of observed meteorite falls to several previously unidentified source regions in the asteroid ...
"Scientifically there's a huge amount we can learn from asteroids," says Alan Fitzsimmons, an astronomer at Queens University Belfast and a member of one of Nasa's sky surveys that searches and tracks ...
In January this year, the ESA calculated the rock's trajectory and initially predicted that there was a 1.2% chance of impact with ... dust and rocks from asteroid Bennu and returned them to ...
This old geological feature makes us wonder more about the formations of the Earth and stimulates conversations about the role of asteroid ... North Pole Crater after it was described in the journal ...
Shatter cones, which are features caused by the shockwave of a hypervelocity meteorite impact, are evidence that something hit this region when Earth was young. Impact craters this old have the ...
Scientists have discovered the world's oldest meteorite impact crater in Western Australia, dating back 3.5 billion years, which could provide clues to the early days of life on Earth. Upheaval ...
The asteroid Bennu is puzzling scientists, with samples from the space rock showing weirder properties than they expected. These include extremely high nitrogen levels and improbably magnetic ...
Craters can tell us a lot about the Earth’s history (Picture: Getty Images/500px Plus) When what is now known as the ‘Yarrabubba impact structure’ was formed by the meteor strike ...
Earth’s oldest meteorite impact crater was just found in WA’s Pilbara region – exactly where geologists hoped it would be. We have discovered the oldest meteorite impact crater on Earth, in the very ...
The Earth bears geologic evidence of past cosmic impacts, such as the 125-mile-wide Chixculub Crater in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, which was the likely impact site of the 6-mile-wide asteroid ...