The Ama divers of Japan, primarily in Toba and Shima, preserve an ancient tradition of free diving for shellfish and pearls, ...
The ama divers of Ise-Shima, Japan’s sea-women, carry on a centuries-old tradition of freediving for seafood, blending adventure with cultural preservation. In the cool waters off Japan’s Ise ...
“I just love the sea and being in the water,” she says after resurfacing. Ohno is an ama diver, or a “sea woman” as they are known in Japan. For centuries, these traditional fisherwomen ...
Ise-Shima, Japan (CNN) — Aiko Ohno dives down in the cool waters off Japan’s Ise-Shima National Park, scanning the rocky seabed for urchins and turban shells. Three meters deep, she swims with ...