Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: a dreary political situation; deteriorating law and order; and of course, its financial crunch. If past ...
Ties between Islamabad and Kabul have worsened after the takeover of the government by the Afghan Taliban. Islamabad has ...
India has invested in development projects in Afghanistan and taken several steps to assist its people. In recent years, Afghanistan has also strengthened its ties with India.
India will need to remain nimble-footed to respond to any moves by Pakistan to build new linkages in the context of ...
It is fascinating to explore the history of the trials of civilians in military courts in the USA, Europe, and other ...
The conflict between Taliban and Pakistan intensified further on December 29 when an explosion at the Taliban's Interior ...
It’s hard to imagine that cross-border airstrikes will serve the desired goal of ending the rising level of violence and ...
The Islamic State is seeing less resistance in areas of major security concern following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the fall of the Assad regime in Syria and potential troop drawdown in ...
The Prime Minister's declaration follows a cycle of violence that has strained relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. On ...
The space in which refugee Shaharzad has to live has shrunk to the small courtyard of a guesthouse in Pakistan's capital, ...
Pakistani leaders were once friends of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Now, cross-border violence has become alarmingly frequent.