Many Americans say holiday decorations can and should stay up all year round, according to new research. A survey of 2,000 ...
Mortgage interest rates pulled back a little this week, but it was hardly enough to erase the past three weeks' gains. The ...
"Since it was only in a couple of feet of surf, the officer in charge took the decision to send a rescuer into the water to ...
Male African elephants develop "distinct" personality traits as they grow older, reveals new research. They show "consistent" ...
Eating more plant-based foods and less meat is key to a healthy gut, suggests a new study. But avoiding meat or dairy ...
The World Health Organization has described social isolation and loneliness as a "global public health concern." ...
Researchers say flatter shoes can help runners improve sensation with the ground and learn to land in a controlled manner.
Meet the specially trained HeroRATS who "save lives every day" - by sniffing out hidden landmines in Cambodia. Cambodia has ...
Parkinson's disease patients can dance the blues away, reveals new research. Dancing lowers the depression associated with ...
The findings revealed that, as well as lower life satisfaction scores, lifelong singles are less extroverted, less ...
Researchers examined three ice core records to identify lead pollution levels in the Arctic between 500 BC to 600 AD.
A mystery " alien " signal from outer space has been tracked down to its source. First discovered in 2007, fast radio bursts, ...