The CDC is piloting a disease forecasting service called Insight Net. Could it be a game-changer for public health?
Brooke Borel: So Tom originally came to me with this idea for this podcast to dig into scientific controversies in a ...
Experiments that make viruses more virulent or contagious present significant risks. Are those risks worth the rewards?
From pathogen research to geoengineering and AI, consequential science is accelerating. Whose hands are on the wheel?
Farmers and health experts say it’s complicated. RFK Jr.’s milk adviser, Mark McAfee, says he’s up for the challenge.
Pyrrhotite causes cracks in concrete. But research on how widespread the issue might be has only scratched the surface.
To receive federal funding, such high-risk work — sometimes called “gain of function” — must be evaluated by a government committee. That committee follows a framework that was influenced by guidance ...
Do cell phones and 5G cause cancer? It’s a question that has plagued Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — and if Kennedy is confirmed as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, it’s one he will ...