Pet shops that sell puppies are a dying breed in Massachusetts. Some state legislators are hoping to get the number down to ...
Some best friends want to have human babies at the same time so their kids can grow up together, but we think what these ...
Two puppies have unfortunately died while one puppy was being bottle-fed in the ICU, the Arizona Humane Society confirmed March 20, 2025.
“Crammed into a too-small crate, abandoned on a road with hardly any traffic,” a North Carolina animal shelter wrote March 17 ...
Members were able to successfully resuscitate three of the six puppies. Unfortunately, the other three did not survive.
When Misty had a l itter of six puppies, the community contacted Northern Reach, and the dog family came to Amie's home, with ...
A D.C. house fire left four residents displaced and three puppies dead in Northwest. According to D.C. Fire and EMS, three ...
Being a mom is no easy feat, and it seems that dogs aren’t exempt from needing a little me time. One exhausted mama dog ...
A dog in Lincoln Heights was shot in the head over the weekend after a man thought his life was in danger. That dog now faces ...
People have been amazed by footage of tiny puppies being tested for their suitability as potential candidates for scent-based ...
A group of days-old pit bull puppies are receiving 'critical care' after being found abandoned in a plastic bin outside a ...
The Fremont County Sheriff's Office says a man has been arrested after allegedly poisoning six puppies. According to the ...