Another tweet took a slightly different tone: "Zuck looks very Barry Manilow," they wrote, perhaps referencing the singer’s iconic, showy style that Zuckerberg unexpectedly channeled. Of course, it ...
We finally reveal the truth with this exclusive sketch of his TRUE form! 🖊️🔥 From internet conspiracy theories to wild speculations, everyone’s wondered if Zuck is more machine than man. But this ...
Altman is referencing the Uno game card and meme that effectively boils down to beating someone ... so maybe it won't be a deal breaker for Meta users. Your move, Zuck. Hope you know how to play Uno.
From an early age, most of us are taught that the path to success is pretty straightforward. You finish school, go to university, graduate, and then you find a good, well-paid job. Sounds easy, right?
For those of you who don’t know Latin: Zuck’s tee is “aut Zuck aut nihil,” a play on “aut Caesar aut nihil,” which means “Zuck or nothing.” Graber’s tee is “mundus sine ...
and astronomical spring, which is soon, and phenological spring, which I’m not really sure about. BILL ZUCK is a master at driving over moguls in his car. Reach him at [email protected].
Last fall, Zuck and the ascendant “Beautiful Things” singer had a sword fight in the metaverse. Boone wrote “Fits are fire” on an Instagram photo gallery of Zuck and his wife, Dr ...