More than 200 local volunteer first responders and firefighters spent their weekend training in Durant ahead of fire season.
The team, called the Fire Department Initial Attack crew (FDIA), will be made up of six members, according to the district's ...
When Mikaela Balkind trained to become a wildland firefighter, she knew she was signing up for a physically- and ...
Fire crews from Kittitas and Yakima counties will be conducting a prescribed wildland fire live training burn on Sat., April ...
More than 800,000 acres of land across these SoCal counties have been classified under the highest fire hazard severity zone ...
Training for a host of different scenarios is a hallmark of firefighting around the globe, and the situation is no different ...
SWIFT crews pass the same training standards as wildland firefighters to respond to wildfires, and perform erosion control, ...
“Collateral duty firefighters make up a significant portion of the wildland firefighting force,” the fire management officer said. The scope of the problem became clear Thursday. More than 75 ...
The training focused on enhancing firefighter safety and interoperability during a simulated wildland fire. Firefighters battled the simulated blaze while navigating the complexities of ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection released new fire-hazard severity maps Monday that added thousands of acres within the purview of local fire departments across ...
LONDON — A 59-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter after a cargo ship collided with an oil tanker carrying jet fuel for the U.S. military off the coast of ...