NEWS RELEASE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES ************************ Ontario is ready to respond to this year’s wildland fire season, which lasts from April 1 until October 31. T ...
More than 800,000 acres of land across these SoCal counties have been classified under the highest fire hazard severity zone ...
SWIFT crews pass the same training standards as wildland firefighters to respond to wildfires, and perform erosion control, ...
and the levels of hazard severity are based on fuel loading, or the amount of flammable material available to burn according to the Wildland Fire Education and Training Collaborative, slope ...
Training for a host of different scenarios is a hallmark of firefighting around the globe, and the situation is no different ...
Colorado’s SWIFT or State Wildland ... their training and experience, many formerly incarcerated firefighters face an uphill battle in finding jobs. A 2021 Colorado law allows fire departments ...
Several El Paso County fire departments gathered at the Golden Eagle Campground off Highway 115 for a day-long training exercise.