On March 13, he won his first 1-mile race walk national championship at the New Balance Nationals Indoor in Boston, and on ...
This story has been updated to add new information. FORT PIERCE — City commissioners Wednesday made their pick for city manager, choosing Richard Chess, Broward County's assistant general manager of ...
Then, there was one more surprise revelation on the night Chess was selected: Hedges informed commissioners that Derek Scrapchansky, a candidate who previously served as a city manager in Topsham, ...
The new executive director of the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority, Dan Stevenson, says it plans to turn the aging ...
a candidate who previously served as a city manager in Topsham, Maine, was unwilling to move inside the city limits if he was selected for the job. Scrapchansky, who has a home in St. Lucie County ...
Janet Mills nominated Michael Duguay to lead the Maine Department ... Brunswick and Topsham. Duguay was director of economic development for the city of Augusta from 1999 to 2012, attracting ...
But Diane Vernesoni of Topsham told lawmakers they ... Pious Ali, a Portland city councilor, told legislators that “Maine is a place that prides itself on its diversity, on the richness of ...
Offering a friendly warm welcome at The Hour Glass is Giles Lin who took over as general manager at the beginning of December ...
There were fears that its unrivalled eating and drinking experience would never get to be enjoyed again and the city would lose yet ... t make it work but it gave me a chance to take it on.