Experts told USA TODAY that further testing is needed to help communities understand the risks of lingering L.A. wildfire ...
Johnson County is seeking federal assistance, saying its farmland has become dangerously contaminated with “forever chemicals ...
Every baby food product packaged in jars, pouches, tubs and boxes sold in California must carry a QR code on its label that consumers can scan to check the most recent heavy metal readings, although ...
Parents across the U.S. should soon be able to determine how much lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury are in the food they feed their babies, thanks to ...
Ukraine’s nuclear ghosts have been stirred up again after a drone armed with a warhead hit the protective outer shell of the ...
Additional cleanup of unexploded munitions will likely be needed to make Camp Bonneville safe for public access as envisioned when the U.S. Army transferred the former training grounds to Clark County ...
North Carolina farms use treated sewage sludge as fertilizer, but concerns over PFAs contamination are growing. With few disposal alternatives, regulators and farmers face tough choices.
For nearly 100 years, the former Exide plant melted lead-acid car batteries that polluted properties in the mostly Latino ...
In 2023, nearly 29,000 households scattered across rural Nebraska received postcards instructing them how to get their ...
The federal government is the nation's largest employer, and cuts like Trump is attempting will ripple through the entire U.S ...
The state's report found that a Merriam's Kangaroo Rat caught at the lake tested 900 times higher for the level of PFAS that ...