Rochester schools Superintendent Annie Azarloza took some heat for a recent non-snow-day call. Community 'loves' her humorous ...
The numbers of full snow days this academic year fluctuated across school districts, ranging from one to as many as five.
Multiple school districts in Metro Vancouver declared snow days due to the weather and snow conditions. As Michelle Morton ...
The largest school district in El Paso County is making some pretty big changes to its school calendar for the remainder of ...
A heavier than expected snowfall -- and a late-starting snow removal contractor -- left more than 20 city public schools to ...
Idaho mountains are getting heavy snowfall — great for ski resorts but bad news in terms of possible avalanches.
Snow flurries around Kitsap on Sunday left a dusting in most areas, with freezing temperatures anticipated overnight.
Snow showers have brought snow accumulating to northwest Oregon and southwest Washington overnight and early Monday morning.
Billings Public Schools have canceled school for Monday due to subzero temperatures. Huntley Project Schools have also ...
Residents woke up Thursday morning to fresh snow in the Pikes Peak Region, forcing some school and business delays and ...
Temperatures are likely to be below freezing and there will be slightly more moisture, making light snow or snow showers possible on Wednesday and Thursday.
Students and staff will use three days at the end of the year rather than add 15 minutes to the school day to make up for ...