Humans have become a geologic force by cooking the planet — using fire on a scale that is altering land, water, air and ...
Little Friends We've heard of underground parties — but this is ridiculous. A recently released study authored by microbial ...
Planets with suns like Wolf 359 are subject to huge blasts of radiation that raise questions about their long-term ...
It may seem like Earth isn't as well-decorated as its ring-bearing neighbors in the solar system, but new research suggests ...
Crucial to all life on Earth, the 15th element of phosphorus remains a real puzzle for astronomers. Specialized space telescopes are needed to shed light on the issue.
Caltech scientists published a study using NASA Curiosity rover imagery showing the past existence of warm water on Mars.
Heat Absorption Oceans play a crucial role in absorbing excess heat generated by greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, they take ...
The car-sized Curiosity rover has spotted evidence of once quite hospitable environs on Mars.
A planet like this could exist for 4 billion years with an intact atmosphere — pretty good chances for hosting life ... all roughly Earth-sied. The search there thus far has failed to ...
New research reveals ancient ripples on Mars, providing compelling evidence of long-lost lakes that once existed 3.7 billion ...
The history of life on Earth is a tale of slow burns and sudden explosions, shaped by environmental upheavals and ...