A round-up of news from around the region, including the economic cost of violence in Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea – violence National Capital District governor Powes Parkop says the ...
A remote high school in Papua New Guinea has installed a solar powered mini-grid to classrooms and schoolground ...
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Australian prosecutors on Thursday dropped a charge against a Papua New Guinea government ...
Historically underemphasized, New Delhi-Wellington engagement is now gaining strategic and diplomatic prominence.
For China, Sinicizing Tibet’s next generation through boarding schools is the ultimate strategy for solidifying its control over the region.
The tropics are celebrated as hotspots of biological diversity and renowned as supply houses for food, fiber and pharmacies.
Primary school students need respectful-relationships education to improve outcomes for the next generation, says Michael Suau.
In 1995, the international community committed to protecting the rights of adolescent girls. That was the year that 189 ...
Roger Gyles conducted several royal commissions into industrial malfeasance: “You have to keep the pressure on.” ...
Tajikistan is the most welcoming state in Central Asia for forced migrants, according to a just-released survey conducted by ...
The countries with the worst air quality included Bangladesh and India, according to an annual report from IQAir.
“We are proceeding with the repairs.” New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker’s proposed budget includes $15 million for major maintenance in the schools. That, and more, is needed to address the ...