Topeka’s Monroe Elementary School building is among multiple locations included in Georgia State University’s World Heritage Initiative, which Black Collective officials said “has been ...
Stuck in the middle? No problem, according to a new study that suggests middle children grow up to be "better" than their siblings. Anna - Middle children rule. That’s according ...
More than 100 people reported health issues due to the Monroe School District buildings over the years, but Monroe waited until 2016 to take action. Health issues reported include autoimmune ...
Despite a steady decline in the middle class across the majority of the U.S., a handful of cities have begun to see the opposite. According to a new study, California in particular has several ...
The year ahead for Canadian employees was foretold by a front page article on Dec. 31 in the Wall Street Journal, discussing the massive downsizing of middle management. The drive for greater ...
Nowhere else do the world’s political tensions manifest as vividly as in the Middle East. The region is once again under intense international scrutiny amid Israel’s incursion into Gaza ...
MANILA, Philippines — To be finally called an “upper middle-income country (MIC)” sounds good to the ears. And this year, we have repeatedly heard the economic team of President Marcos tout ...
Thousands of middle-class families face paying £8,0000 more on their tax bill next year because of Labour raids on their pockets. Hikes in council tax and the start of VAT on school fees mean ...
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Trump and his party’s leaders have spoken repeatedly about reasserting the “Monroe doctrine” — the idea that the US must keep geopolitical adversaries out of the hemisphere. But China is ...
This radio silence is made all the more inexplicable by the fact that India’s otherwise voluble middle class is itself a major victim of this slowdown. In October, Suresh Narayanan, chairman and ...
It was a year that saw continued turmoil ripple across the Middle East marked by Israel’s relentless war on Gaza, the sudden collapse of one of the Arab world’s longest-standing regimes ...