BRASÍLIA (Reuters) – O governo fechou acordo com a Gol (GOLL4) e a Azul (AZUL4) para reduzir a dívida das duas companhias aéreas com a União em cerca de 5,8 bilhões de reais no total ...
For 2025, it has made updates to its premium balls and has two new offerings, the Mizuno Pro S and Pro X. The three-piece Mizuno Pro S has a large rubber core encased in a mantle layer and a thin ...
With the release of the Mizuno Pro T1 and T3 wedges, the Japanese brand is cleaning up its wedge lineup and trying to offer an easy-to-understand, versatile family of short game tools for a wider ...
For Mizuno, the goal for their new Pro X and Pro S golf balls was to meet the demands of players regardless of their game-enhancement needs. In reimagining its ball design, the company says it was ...
Jack Backhouse brings you the low down on the Mizuno Pro 243 irons Visit us on Youtube Visit us on Twitter ... which is incredible. The short irons (pw-8) are made from 1025E pure select mild carbon ...
Mizuno says it has no plans to release a new driver in 2025 which means for $300 you can buy a current model driver without ...
As ações da Azul ... quase 8% no período da manhã, refletindo a reação positiva do mercado à possibilidade de criação de uma gigante do setor. O grupo Abra, controlador da Gol e da ...
With the release of the Mizuno Pro T1 and T3 wedges, the Japanese brand is cleaning up its wedge lineup and trying to offer an easy-to-understand, versatile family of short-game tools for a wider ...
The Bigme HiBreak Pro is something of a cross between a smartphone and an eBook reader. It has a 6.13 inch, 824 x 1648 pixel black and white E Ink display with 300 pixels per inch, making the ...
Azul e Gol fecharam acordos de transação com a Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional e com a Secretaria Especial da Receita Federal do Brasil com o objetivo de equacionar débitos fiscais.
A Azul e a Gol informaram, por meio de fato relevante, que a Abra e a Azul assinaram, nesta quarta-feira, 15, um memorando de entendimentos (MoU) não vinculante com o objetivo de explorar uma ...