In the wake of Infinite Crisis, DC Comics decided to jump ahead an entire year for many of its series as part of its “One ...
Amnesia transformed Lex Luthor into a better and happier man. However, that happiness may be imperiled for the sake of the ...
Check out Superman/Lex Luthor Special #1 from DC Comics, where the Man of Steel faces a moral dilemma: should he restore his ...
Superman's greatest enemy may be the only character in DC lore who can unlock the secrets of the Absolute Universe, much to ...
The backlash stems from JRE #2260, which featured MIT physicist and AI researcher Lex Fridman as the guest. Fridman, known for his podcast interviews with figures like Elon Musk, Donald Trump ...
The Sidekick's camera is disappointingly simple considering the capabilities of the device. You can choose one of three picture sizes and a few image settings (day ...
Key Sidekick features include pop-up screen, large keyboard, ample shortcuts to jump to apps, and unique group messaging and social networking apps and integration.
The new launch comes shortly after Sidekick raised $55 million in second-round financing that, according to the company, will help it forge additional partnerships in the coming months.