Leading a sedentary lifestyle does not promote health. Though definitions vary, sitting for four or more hours a day is ...
ExploreCancer rates for young women far outpace young men, research finds Analyzing data from more than 1,000 workers over a 10-year period, according to CNN, the study grouped participants by their ...
The way we choose to live our life shapes and influences the way our brain functions.  In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Virajrao Kore, Consultant Geriatrician, at Ruby Hall Clinic Pune said, "The ...
People who lead a sedentary life, uncommitted to physical exercise, face a higher risk of various health issues, including diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure, a new study confirms.
If you find yourself falling into poor sleep patterns, your job design may be the culprit. Experts weigh in on improving your ...
Osteoarthritis is no longer just a disease of the elderly. A combination of sedentary lifestyles, poor diets, obesity, and ...