Sea ice extent is at record, and near record, lows for this time of year in both polar regions, leaving the planet ...
One of the greatest impacts of climate variability and climate change occurs through changes in the frequency ... prepare for and adapt to future changes in extreme events. These graphs show how much ...
The graphs show 99 possible scenarios (grey lines), that are produced by the Bureau's climate long-range forecast model ... The SAM index can change rapidly so it is updated daily. Pacific and Indian ...
Earth’s frozen places — ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost — are melting: a clear sign of climate change and a planet ...
Around the globe, hotter temperatures stoked by climate change are increasing the odds of both severe drought and heavier ...
Are daffodils in bloom earlier? Does cherry blossom appear earlier these days? And are distinct, new "seasons" starting to ...
China’s glacier area has shrunk by 26% since 1960 due to rapid global warming, with 7,000 small glaciers disappearing ...
B arbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has become a leading champion of small economies in global climate discussions. And so I ...
As the world gets closer to the mark 1.5 degrees Celsius in Paris climate agreement, scientists are racing to establish a ...
Sea ice plays many important roles for the global climate: Its white surface can reflect energy back into space, helping the ...
Global climate models predict that the ocean around Antarctica should be warming, but in reality, those waters have cooled ...