Many callers who report an emergency in Charleston County speak a different language, which can increase call volumes, making ...
Denton Co. Sheriff's Office celebrates Victoria Smith for winning a scholarship to attend the NAVIGATOR Emergency Dispatch ...
Charleston County 911 is strengthening their emergency response by upgrading their call handling capabilotiesCharleston ...
The Charleston County Consolidated Emergency Communications Center has adopted a new and more advanced call-handling software that improves emergency responses from the public and first responders.
BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) - A new report looks at Vermont’s dispatch centers and emergency response. Now, the state wants to ...
The Pauline Road fire is threatening the Houston area. The Legislature needs to act to help Texas A&M Forest Service fire ...
Lynchburg Police Emergency Communications is reporting a road closure on Winston Ridge Road. Details are currently limited; ...
The number of migrant and other families staying at UMass Lowell’s former Inn & Conference Center is declining, and new ...
A proposed bill in the state legislature, House Bill 1481, aims to ban the use of cellphones during class hours in public ...
A recent addition to RSA 91-A enforcement is the establishment of the state’s Right-to-Know ombudsman. This office is ...
While such apps promise increased security and privacy, they often skirt open records laws meant to increase transparency ...