Leading cardiologists are warning about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, equating it to the health risks of smoking.
As little as five minutes a day of eccentric exercise could offer significant health benefits to those living a sedentary ...
New research suggests that regular exercise may not be enough to counteract the harmful effects of prolonged sitting on heart ...
A new study out of the UK suggests your likelihood of being obese might have to do with something completely out of your ...
After a cardiovascular event, it proves difficult to maintain a healthier, more active lifestyle over the long term. Although ...
As little as five minutes a day of eccentric exercise could offer significant health benefits to those living a stagnant lifestyle.
Moving more and sitting less every day may lower the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and other causes for older women with a history of cancer, a new study suggests. Researchers found that ...
Older adults who limit their sedentary time have lower metabolic syndrome risk, regardless of how active they are or how ...
You may not have enough time in the day to run six miles, but you can probably squeeze in 10 minutes. If not, how about a ...
Regular exercise helps increase HDL cholesterol, which is considered good cholesterol, and improves overall cardiovascular ...