ODs are fortunate to work in an industry with seemingly limitless opportunities and specialties, like low vision. If your ...
Seventy percent of private practices that introduced ancillary services found them both easy to implement and financially rewarding — with some seeing revenue increases in as little as one month, ...
A routine visit to remove your child's splinter could now be classified as "surgery" under current medical billing practices.
Ko's AI system can use doctors' behaviors to better understand and measure their expertise, offering a framework for fairer compensation. His tests of machine learning models have delivered consistent ...
When it comes to telehealth billing, there's a conundrum. The increasing popularity of telehealth, the use of electronic communication technologies to provide care when the doctor and patient aren't ...
1. Stark law prohibits Medicare referrals to entities with financial ties to the referring physician or an immediate family member, with severe liability for violations. The anti-kickback statute ...