NASA is tracking a bus-sized asteroid that will be zooming past the Earth today at a speed of nearly 28,028 miles per hour. The space rock, known as "2025 FO6," is estimated to be about 35 feet across ...
was the mass extinction that followed the impact of a colossal asteroid. That event is the reason dinosaurs aren’t around today and, perhaps more importantly, why mammals had a chance to boom ...
She joined PEOPLE in 2021, but has eight years of experience ... and is the same asteroid that is being examined today – but astroid Eros marked NASA's first near-Earth asteroid rendezvous.
A huge asteroid almost the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza will skim past Earth today, NASA has warned ... In November 2021, the space agency launched the DART mission which sent a satellite ...
The asteroid, which has been dubbed "2021 FH1," is estimated to be about 98 feet across and will come within 925,000 miles of the Earth—about four times the average distance between the Earth ...
In 2021, NASA gave the all-clear to another potentially worrisome asteroid, Apophis ... has never been as important as it is today.
As happens about 20 times a year with current detection capabilities, a known asteroid will safely pass Earth on Wednesday closer than the distance from Earth to the Moon. This asteroid ...