Counsellors working for Norfolk and Waveney Mind have voted in favour of strike action over a bizarre NHS pay row.
A government minister has told Norfolk's divided councils he is prepared to make the final call over a shake-up which would see them scrapped.
Figures obtained from Freedom of Information requests made by Accident Claims show that HMP Norwich had the largest amount of settled claims, with £593,488 paid out between 2019/20 and 2023/24.
A group of thieves have stolen an Audi among other items from C&D motors and servicing unit in Wimbledon Avenue, Brandon.
Putting together a business case to convince the government to tackle the Ely junction railway bottleneck will cost £70m.
Two local beaches are commonly used by nudists - Holkham beach in Norfolk and Corton Beach, just north of Lowestoft in Suffolk.
The theft of beloved pet dogs in Norfolk did not lead to anyone being arrested last year, police figures show.
Staff at the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust have less confidence in their care than anywhere else in the country, the annual NHS ...
Four men have been charged with a robbery six years ago that left the victim with serious injuries. The men were charged last month and are all jointly said to have attacked the man of personal ...
A government report has said a day off school costs children £750 in future earnings for each day of absence, with Norfolk pupils missing out ...
The worst areas for home burglaries in Norfolk have been revealed as the number of break-ins has hit a three-year-high.
The land's legal system is built on the foundations of open justice and the city's crown court will be underlining that principle by welcoming ...