Currently, there is no clear evidence to support the use of differential individual-level smoking cessation interventions for people from lower or higher SES groups, or that any one intervention would ...
Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) may reduce the effort required to walk, and increase walking speed and satisfaction with walking in people with calf muscle weakness due to neuromuscular disorders, but we ...
Subarachnoid thrombolysis is where a clot-dissolving drug is administered to clear the blood after subarachnoid haemorrhage. This may improve outcomes since blood in the subarachnoid space is ...
– Current evidence suggests that calorie (energy) labelling on menus, and on or next to products, leads to reductions in calories selected and bought from food and non-alcoholic drinks. The evidence ...
Overall, our conclusion from this latest review update remains that there is high-certainty evidence that incentives improve smoking cessation rates at long-term follow-up in mixed population studies.
Mike: Hello, I’m Mike Clarke podcast editor for the Cochrane Library. Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth has produced many reviews of interventions relevant to the organization and delivery of ...
We wanted to find out if pre-emptive treatment aimed at transplant recipients who are at risk of developing CMV disease, rather than administering universal prophylaxis, including those who are ...
El tratamiento con MgSO₄ nebulizado podría tener beneficios adicionales modestos para la función pulmonar y el ingreso al hospital cuando se agregan a los agonistas β₂ inhalados y al bromuro de ...
A new Cochrane review has found that calorie labelling of food on menus and products leads people to choose slightly fewer calories. The research team, led by scientists from UCL, Bath Spa University, ...
我们发现没有证据表明ATRA联合化疗或仅化疗受试者之间针对OS结局存在差异。关于DFS、CRR和研究死亡率,可能没有证据表明组间存在差异。目前,似乎不良事件的风险仅与化疗相当。 由于未在 ...
Treinta ensayos de 25 fármacos, que incluían a 516 participantes, contribuyeron con datos a la revisión. Se ha propuesto que los fármacos presentan diversos modos de acción y los resultados se ...