The ocean feels infinite. If you were to start swimming from shore, it’s easy to believe—fitness and oxygen aside—you could ...
Seabirds are among the most threatened bird groups in the world, with nearly one-third at risk of extinction. In a new study, ...
Aboard the Alkor, a 55-meter oceanographic vessel anchored in the Baltic Sea several kilometers from the German port city of Kiel, engineer Henrik Schönheit grips a joystick-like lever in his fist. He ...
Researchers have captured what might be the first known recording of a colossal squid living freely in its natural habitat.
As the aquaculture industry grows, new research finds that seafoods raised in marine waters have a smaller carbon footprint than those raised in fresh water.
Agricultural drones are transforming rice farming in the Mekong River delta, cutting down the amount of pesticides and fertilizers that wash into the ocean in the process.
The Canadian government and the Ehattesaht First Nation dropped a huge chunk of change trying to save the stranded killer whale kʷiisaḥiʔis (Brave Little Hunter). Now, they’re wondering how to make up ...
Scientists are working on a machine learning tool that could, one day, identify individual animals from photographs of their footprints.
Now that it’s spread rapidly around the globe and jumped to animals such as foxes, sea lions, and cows, scientists worry that the avian flu could spill over to humans.
One Great Shot: Are You Ready for This, Jelly? During a nighttime dive, a veteran underwater photographer captured a tiny fish’s cunning effort to find a safe spot in a dark sea.