Texas, State Park

The park will cover 68 acres on Rock Prairie Road. It will include a dog park, bike trails, and a disc golf course.
A Rusk County Game Warden was recognized by Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPW) Commission meeting in January for his ...
The funds will be used to renovate the zoo’s Hall of Wonders exhibit, which is the center of conservation education at the ...
Deepwater Horizon settlement funds could be used to restore almost 2,000 acres of marsh wetlands on the Texas Gulf coast ...
City Council's meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, one of the items on the docket will be potentially authorizing a grant ...
His dedication to protecting natural resources shows his love for the outdoors and his sense of duty, the TPWD said.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved $30.9 million in local park grants, this is a new record that will ...