China has put forth a proposal to construct a large radio telescope array on the far side of the moon. For the last few years ...
Scientists have made a stunning discovery of oxygen in the most distant galaxy known, raising questions about how galaxies ...
In its first large-area survey, published in 2020, astronomers stitched together 903 images and identified more than 3 million sources of radio emissions in the southern sky, many of which were new ...
Giant Magellan Telescope The GMT is one of several large ground-based ... world's most advanced radio astronomy observatory (and the highest, at 16,500 feet). Its main array will have 50 movable ...
In 2011 engineers completed an operational facelift of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Very Large Array, which has been in operation for more than 30 years. "What's happened over the ...
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) is the first radio telescope to be designed from the ground ... reconnaissance for artificial signals by orders of magnitude. It is a very large step for SETI research.
The SKA-Low radio telescope in Western Australia is slowly coming online. It will probe the shape of the universe and study ...
I f I ask you to picture a radio telescope, you probably imagine a large dish pointing to the sky, or even an array of dish ...
The country is joining an international project to build the largest radio telescope in human history. The Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA) on March 17 said it will attend the board meeting of ...
Unlike other instruments that are mostly used for radio astronomy projects, the ATA can devote large amounts of time to SETI searches. There have been several observing projects on the Allen Telescope ...
An image of the Phoenix cluster constructed with observations from the Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and the Very Large Array radio telescope. | Credit: NASA, CXC, NRAO ...