The custom car phenomenon is as old as the second-hand car, yet somehow the decades which stick in the mind as their heyday are the 1960s and 1970s. If you didn’t have a dune buggy or a van with ...
After some refinement and tweaks, Meyers developed his Manx into a kit car that was cheap and relatively easy to build. The rest is history. To this day, the Meyers Manx dune buggy has a cult ...
With things getting all practical and sensible, thanks to production costs, sales volume targets and driving range, it seems Volkswagen has lost the plot regarding its electric vehicle offering. Look ...
The custom car phenomenon is as old as the second-hand car, yet somehow the decades which stick in the mind as their heyday are the 1960s and 1970s. If you didn’t have a dune buggy or a van with ...