There’s an epidemic that many people don’t think about when they think of public health problems. Douglas County health ...
Only two days after the Journal of the Academy of Public Health's official launch, Science Magazine criticised it in a news ...
As a holistic strategy, Broken Windows policing should be seen as a public-health intervention: it modifies environments, ...
The public health workforce can be difficult to accurately count for a variety of reasons, including that state and local ...
The World’s Top Medical Journal Is Giving Cover to Genocide The New England Journal of Medicine has finally broken its ...
We strongly urge you to immediately reverse course and abandon this dangerous plan,' Pingree and Sen. Jeff Markley wrote in a letter to EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin.
The US DHHS slashed more than $11 billion nationwide, leaving public health officials in Maine and around the nation ...
In a tight budget year when state-funded entities have been told that a flat appropriation is a win, Health First Indiana came off relatively well with only a modest $25 million cut over the next ...